; November 2011 | Michael Ian Lapsley

Styles for BibTeX4word - Custom and modified .bst files using windows

I am using Microsoft Windows 7 (and Windows XP at home) and I use Word to create documents.  You must first be familiar with Word, Jabref, MikTex, and Bibtex4word before this will make sense. Start by reading the Bibtex4word documentation. These three programs will allow you to automatically create bibliographies in word.

Here is a manual for Miktex

Below is a list of style types that I use regularly:
  • ieeetr/cn^s - good for most conferences
  • phaip/cn[]^s - actual APL (AIP) file but use et al. for over 5 name which APL does not allow.
  • phjcp/cn[]^s - like APL and does not use et al. but has lower caps in names. ~ this can be made to match APL almost perfectly if you highlight all of the references, press ctrl+d, uncheck the small caps option.
  • phnflet - like APL without et al. but uses all caps and DOI in wrong place.

  • rsc/cn[]^s - RSC reference type such as Lab on a Chip
  • achemso/cn[]^s - America chemical society
Other people have more comprehensive lists of styles:
  • http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/perl/index.html
  • http://web.reed.edu/cis/Help/LaTeX/bibtexstyles.html 
Most Journals have a style. It is best to find one that already exists because modifying and creating them is a real pain.
    Modifying .bst files:

    The first thing to know about this is that it is really anoying. I have been trying to figure this out for weeks and still have had little luck. There are many many websites that give information, but must of the time it is not that helpful.

    Finding my .bst files: This is much more difficult that it seems. I though they would be in the "Program Files/miketex2.8" folder. Nope. I finally found them in:

    "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.8\bibtex" ~ in Windows 7
    "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.8\bibtex\bst" ~ in Windows XP

    thanks to some hits from this link.

      [Matlab] Loading Large Data Sets

      The Old Way to Load DataSets

      Lots of my time consists of analyzing huge sets of files recorded by and oscilloscope or some other device. Typically, I would try to use the same name for each file with a number at the end that increase each time. Then I can write a loop to load all of the files, then do analysis and create plots. This causes its own problems for several reasons such as: several loops must be used for different regions of the data (tek0000n for n = 1-9; tek000nn for nn = 10-99; tek00nnn for nnn = 100-999; etc) and broken loops when a single file in the data set is a different length or mission, and many other issues. Such a sustem looks like this where many conditional loops are used to fix the problem:

      if m <10 & n < 10
         for i = 1:n
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-0000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);

      if m <10 & n < 100 & n > 10
         for i = 1:9
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-0000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 10:n
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
      if m <10 & n < 1000 & n > 100
         for i = 1:9
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-0000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 10:99
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 100:n
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-00',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
      if m > 10 & n < 1000 & n > 100
         for i = m:99
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 100:n
              Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-00',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
              Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
              Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
      if m < 10 & n > 1000
         for i = 1:9
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-0000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 10:99
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-000',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);
         for i = 100:999
             Temp = dlmread([File,'/',File,'-00',num2str(i),'.txt'],'\t',[17 0 3664 1]);
             Frequency(:,i) = Temp(:,1);
             Absorption(:,i) = Temp(:,2);

      Read Directory and Load

      Recently, google helped me discover a better method where you can actually tell matlab to read and record the files names in a specific folder. The, so long as all the data is the same length, a single loop can be used to import all of the data in a single folder. Here is an example:

      clear;clc;close all

      cd ..
      Temp = dir('Data');
      Temp2 = {Temp.name};
      FileName = Temp2(3:end);

      for i = 1:length(FileName)
          Temp = dlmread(['Data/',char(FileName(i))],',',[14 0 10013 2]);
          time = Temp(:,1);
          ch1 = Temp(:,2);
          ch2 = Temp(:,3);


      The dir command reads the folder \Data, and a structure cell is created with the information for each file. Since I only care about the name, that cell can be extracted and trimmed. Then a single loop can be used to load all of the data into a useful format. To prevent errors if the files are not the same length, each data set is save in its own .mat file. These files can be quickly loaded in Matlab for later use.

      Loading several .mat files

      Once all of the data is stored in separate .mat files, this data can be easily accessed and plotted. It one were to plot the first 5 data sets that were loaded above, this code would perform the operation:

      for i = [1:5]
          Str = ['MData\DataSet',num2str(i),'.mat'];
          eval(['time_',num2str(i),' = time;'])
          eval(['ch1_',num2str(i),' = ch1;'])
          eval(['ch2_',num2str(i),' = ch2;'])

      hold on
      for i = 1:5

      hold off

      I realize that there are many non standard matlab functions here, but I encourage people to learn these functions. They have been very useful for me in performing some more advanced actions.