Later I will add the getting started details.
It took me a while to get figures into the document. Tiff images cannot be used. Do not use spaces in the figure name. Here is the syntax:
I had to add: '\usepackage{fixltx2e}' to the preample of the disertation file to use subscripts. To add a subscript with this package use: '\textsubscript{text to be a subscript}'
Added '\usepackage[sectionbib]{chapterbib}' to the preamble of the disertation file to allow for a bibliography at the end of each chapter. Each bibliography can use a seperate .bib file. There was an issue at the begining. It was doing very strange things when I made changes. I realized that the YourName-Disertation.aux file needed to be deleted before compiling changes to the bib.
This would not work for me unless all of the .tex files and .bib files were in the main folder with the main dissertation.tex file. It was not necessary to compile the documents separately or multiple times. This never helped.
Still need to delete the .aux file before changes will work.
To compress and sort the references I used this:
I had to use:
'\usepackage[pdftex,bookmarks= true]{hyperref}'
to add bookmarks to the pdf. Does not work.
It took me a while to get figures into the document. Tiff images cannot be used. Do not use spaces in the figure name. Here is the syntax:
\includegraphics[width = 5.8in]{Chapter-2/Figures/Figure_2-1.png}
\caption{caption text.}
\label{ChX-figure: FigureLabel}
I had to add: '\usepackage{fixltx2e}' to the preample of the disertation file to use subscripts. To add a subscript with this package use: '\textsubscript{text to be a subscript}'
Added '\usepackage[sectionbib]{chapterbib}' to the preamble of the disertation file to allow for a bibliography at the end of each chapter. Each bibliography can use a seperate .bib file. There was an issue at the begining. It was doing very strange things when I made changes. I realized that the YourName-Disertation.aux file needed to be deleted before compiling changes to the bib.
This would not work for me unless all of the .tex files and .bib files were in the main folder with the main dissertation.tex file. It was not necessary to compile the documents separately or multiple times. This never helped.
Still need to delete the .aux file before changes will work.
To compress and sort the references I used this:
The order of declaration can effect the performance of the file.
remember to delete the aux files before running.
I had to use:
to add bookmarks to the pdf. Does not work.