; HTML / Javascript equation solver | Michael Ian Lapsley

HTML / Javascript equation solver

Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2011, 3:43 PM

I always wanted to do simple calculations in HTML and create simple online equation solvers. I spent some time on it and have created a simple equation solver. I have include the code here with lots of comments to try and help others who might want to learn. The biggest issue I had was with the button. I had to use a form input of type button rather than a button element (<button></button>). the button element would run the code but then reset everything to the defaults immediately. I still do not understand why. If you want to try this code, copy and past it into notepad and save as a .html file. Then open the file in an internet browser. Questions and comments are welcome.

Here is the equation solver:

Solution to a + b:

Here is the source code:
 <! comments look like this. They are just here to help the programmer>
    <! This program has embedded java scripts to solve an equation with certain inputs>
<form name="F1">  <! gives the form a name so it can be referenced by the java script>
    a:            <! text in front of input a>
    &nbsp;            <! adds a space after a:>
    &nbsp;            <! adds another space>
        type = "text"   
        name = "a"   
        value = "12"   
        size = "4"  
        />        <! creates input a>
                <! makes input a a text box>
                <! names input a a>
                <! sets the initial value of input a>
                <! sets the size of input a>
                <! ends the seting for input a>
    <br />             <! move to next line>
    b: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        type = "text"
        name = "b"
        value = "100"   
        size = "4"
    <br />
    <br />
    <b> Solution to a + b: </b>
    <br />
    <br />
    Output: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        type = "text"
        name = "out"
        value = ""   
        size = "10"

    <br />
    <br />
        type = "button"
        value = "Calculate"
        onClick = "clickButton1()"       
        >        <! Creates a button and assigns its properties>
    </form>            <! end of form-F1>

        type ="text/javascript">                    // starts the imbedded javascript
                            // comments look like this in java script
        function clickButton1()
            var a = document.F1.a.value; //sets variable a = the contents of input/textbox a
            a = parseFloat(a); // convers a from a string to a floating number
            var b = document.F1.b.value;
            b = parseFloat(b);
            var c = a + b;
            document.F1.out.value = c;
    </script>                            <! ends the script section of the file>



4 Response to "HTML / Javascript equation solver"

1 .
Dave Says....

Didn't work on my phone :( Have to try it again at work tomorrow.


2 .
Unknown Says....

Hope it works. I like this platform because it is simple and anyone can do it if they have a browser. I feel like this is a good way it introduce programing to new students. My first programing class was using Java, but I never knew how it really worked. I wrote some code I sort of understood then the compiler did some magic and it worked or didn't work.

3 .
Unknown Says....

Sorry, I will look into why this is not working and update it. It did work at one point and the code above should be at least close to get someone started. :) -- to Michael. I agree. My first programing class was java as well and it was very confusing how it all worked. Using something simple like a test file and you internet browser really makes the coding "real" to a new programmer.

4 .
Unknown Says....

aha! It is fixed now. The first line: form name="F1", was missing.

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