; [Matlab] Colors and Symbols for ploting in loops | Michael Ian Lapsley

[Matlab] Colors and Symbols for ploting in loops

Posted on Friday, March 23, 2012, 3:28 AM

Sometimes it is easier to use a loop to plot something rather than manually typing plot many times. The problem is that all of the lines will have the same color and all the symbols will be the same. This code easily applies color to plots in a loop.

% example for plotting colors and symbols in a loop

clear;clc;close all

% example data to plot

for i = 1:8
     x = 0:10;
     y(:,i) = i*x.^2;

symbol = {'o','s','^','v','<','>','d','p'};
colors = [  0   0   0
            0.8 0   0
            1   0   0
            1   0.6 0
            0   0.6 0
            0   0   1
            0   0   0.6
            0.8 0   0.8
for i = 1:8
    hold on
    h = plot(x,y(:,i),'color',colors(i,:),'marker',symbol{i})
hold off

Also, My friend Steven has developed a neat code for using color maps to generate the colors for a plot. - http://scslin.blogspot.com/2011/09/matlab-plot-with-more-colors.html

2 Response to "[Matlab] Colors and Symbols for ploting in loops"

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