; 2014 | Michael Ian Lapsley

Grounding Practices Link

I have always had issues with understanding the best practices for grounding in electronics. I found a good reference for grounding practices: http://www.ese.upenn.edu/detkin/instruments/misctutorials/Ground/grd.html...

Adding pdf to Google site

It is difficult to properly display a pdf on a google site. The best solution I have found is using a file cabinet and linking to the pdf directly. Then the browser will open it. This was the only way to view a pdf on my site, on a browser. Create a file cabinet page: New page, file cabinet template. Load the pdfs to be displayed on the file cabinet page.  The url to display a pdf...

Creating Octave standalone distributable for the focus checking program.

Followed this process: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3843522/how-do-i-create-a-simple-octave-distributable-without-installing-octave (I did not need the change to file_in_path.m) Created embedded.cc and modified it for my particular m file Ran embedded.cc to create embedded.exe mkoctfile --link-stand-alone embedded.cc -o embedded Created an executable folder to contain all of the...

Installing Ubuntu on an old computer (Wireless issue)

Installing Ubuntu I tried to install the newest version of Ubuntu on an old Dell Inspiron 2200. (more than 10 years old) I kept getting this error: This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. Goggle took me here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present But...

Bat Files (File Renamer)

I am starting to do some work with batch (.bat) files in windows. These are simple DOS scripts that can be used in windows. Getting Started I suggest one download and use notepad++ to work with the .bat file. This is a free software that adds color coding to the code depending on the file name extension. (So it you open a file, fileName.bat, notepad++ will use the color coding for bat...