; Adding pdf to Google site | Michael Ian Lapsley

Adding pdf to Google site

Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 6:57 PM

It is difficult to properly display a pdf on a google site. The best solution I have found is using a file cabinet and linking to the pdf directly. Then the browser will open it. This was the only way to view a pdf on my site, on a browser.

  1. Create a file cabinet page:
  2. New page, file cabinet template.
  3. Load the pdfs to be displayed on the file cabinet page. 
  4. The url to display a pdf that is loaded on the file cabinet is this: 
  5. https://sites.google.com/site/yousitename/yourfilecabinetpage/yourpdfname.pdf 
  6. Spaces Cannot be used in the name for the pdf
  7. Place a link to the url wherever you would like users to be able to open the pdf. 
  8. I like to put links in the top ribbon 

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