; May 2014 | Michael Ian Lapsley

Adding pdf to Google site

It is difficult to properly display a pdf on a google site. The best solution I have found is using a file cabinet and linking to the pdf directly. Then the browser will open it. This was the only way to view a pdf on my site, on a browser.
  1. Create a file cabinet page:
  2. New page, file cabinet template.
  3. Load the pdfs to be displayed on the file cabinet page. 
  4. The url to display a pdf that is loaded on the file cabinet is this: 
  5. https://sites.google.com/site/yousitename/yourfilecabinetpage/yourpdfname.pdf 
  6. Spaces Cannot be used in the name for the pdf
  7. Place a link to the url wherever you would like users to be able to open the pdf. 
  8. I like to put links in the top ribbon 

Creating Octave standalone distributable for the focus checking program.

Followed this process: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3843522/how-do-i-create-a-simple-octave-distributable-without-installing-octave (I did not need the change to file_in_path.m)
  • Created embedded.cc and modified it for my particular m file
  • Ran embedded.cc to create embedded.exe
mkoctfile --link-stand-alone embedded.cc -o embedded
  • Created an executable folder to contain all of the supporting files
  • Copied embedded.exe into the folder
  • Opened embedded.exe using cmd to start the whackamole process.
Wackamole process:
  • Copied all dll files from C:\Octave\Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2\bin
  • Coped each file that caused the exe to fail
  • In several cases, the functions actually produced errors and it was necessary to investigate the code to determine the needed file.
  • I got stuck on this error:
error: imread: invalid image file: could not find library or dependents: C:\Octave\Projects\FocusCheck\ExecutableFolder\__magick_read__.oct
error: called from:
error:   C:\Octave\Projects\FocusCheck\ExecutableFolder\imread.m at line 74, column 7
error:   C:\Octave\Projects\FocusCheck\ExecutableFolder\FocusCheck_V16.m at line 32, column 5

I have renamed the executable FocusCheck_V16.exe  and its folder FocusCheck_V16exe. The zipped folder can be downloaded here: